[featured] This year Script Contest will feature a really special award for the winner. Our great friend Chiara Cavalli has made another clay figurine for us, ths time she recreated our lovely Smithy, who is also the protagonist of the …
[featured] This year Script Contest will feature a really special award for the winner. Our great friend Chiara Cavalli has made another clay figurine for us, ths time she recreated our lovely Smithy, who is also the protagonist of the …
It’s always a great laugh on the Comic Who set, but sometimes our little friends exceed the limits and for the poor Simmy this means troubles! This is what happened while shooting “The Sound of Drums“
Being a father (or mother, in Tenny’s case) is a hard work, but someone have to do it! But I think that Tenny is a bit exaggerated, and when the daughters are Jenny and River, problems are right around the …
Hi guys! Today we want to cook you!!! Elisa and I are great fan on Chef Ramsay (I also booked a table to his London restaurant for our Honeymon)… I absolutely love the way he relates with his fellows/trainees and …
[featured] The followings are the sketches Elisa made as rewards for our Christmas contest (the subject for the skecthes were chosen by the winners)! We waited for a while before post them here because we wanted to be sure the …
We are going to show you an alternative scene then removed from the final version of the episode: “The Doctor’s Wife” by Neil Gaiman. Having regard to the confidentiality of this contents, we ask you not to disclose this information! …
This time we want to share with you the complex process leading to the creation of a strip from the script. It consists in several important steps and in most cases it can be summarized as follows…
This is our first strip of 2012 and it’s also a collaboration with one of our followers: Nicole Bowman! If you liked this strip, show her your appreciation and if you have a story you want it to become a …
Back in the 70’s Simmy is going to celebrate Christmas alone with baby Yana! But you know, at Christmas time miracles do happen and sometimes even foes become friends! Merry Christmas to you and your families from the Comic Who …
[featured] It was difficult to choose the winners, because the temptation to reward everyone for their efforts and for their excellent work has been strong. In the end we tried to evaluate the entries basing on the sympathy, the originality …